Jesus said to his disciples " you will be fishers of men" and when a J.W gets a fish they don't let it go, but they throw it in their bucket of polluted water and never allow the fish to breath uncomtaminated water again.
The Rebel
JoinedPosts by The Rebel
Why Do People Become Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus inbesides being raised in the religion , why do people become jws?
Do you have / admire Charisma?
by The Rebel in"charisma is a certain quality of an individual personality by virtue of which the person is set apart from ordinary people and treated as exceptional".
as a kid i was afraid of such charisma, as it was usually the quality i noticed elders, head masters, and parents had to exercise with unloving authority over me.. but now i think about it "charisma" doesn't need be only for people with authority.
" charisma" is something even we can have?
The Rebel
"Charisma is a certain quality of an individual personality by virtue of which the person is set apart from ordinary people and treated as exceptional". As a kid I was afraid of such Charisma, as it was usually the quality I noticed elders, head masters, and parents had to exercise with unloving authority over me.
But now i think about it "charisma" doesn't need be only for people with authority. " charisma" is something even we can have? So " charisma" doesn't need be only for the person with satisfying answers to our questions. Charisma can come from the person who simply nods their head, but has no answers....and what makes this person exceptional? Well this person never takes the bait, never gets into the religious and political arguments, but just feels good about the life they were given and has the answers in ways we have to observe to understand.
Do you know people with such a Charisma? Personally i have found when I get to know such people they are far from ordinary, and they often have and contribute with very satisfying answers on life.
Found Another Medieval Coin This Evening
by cofty ini got in an hour metal detecting this evening and found this almost immediately.. it is a silver penny of henry ii minted in london by "davi" between 1180 and 1189. this adds a king i didn't have in my collection.
i now have the series of henry ii - john - henry iii - edward i - edward ii - edward iii.. i now need richard the lionheart to fill in the gap.
he was the brother of john and reigned after the death of henry ii.
The Rebel
It must be a hobby where you can't go out thinking you are going to win the cup-final, instead you must spend hours thinking where is the next decent find coming from. So bringing this back to Jehover Witness related, it must be like door knocking, and those that care, find the treasure.
I think anyone who has a harmless hobby is COOL. It can make life FUN.
Found Another Medieval Coin This Evening
by cofty ini got in an hour metal detecting this evening and found this almost immediately.. it is a silver penny of henry ii minted in london by "davi" between 1180 and 1189. this adds a king i didn't have in my collection.
i now have the series of henry ii - john - henry iii - edward i - edward ii - edward iii.. i now need richard the lionheart to fill in the gap.
he was the brother of john and reigned after the death of henry ii.
The Rebel
I have never taken up the exciting hobby of picking up bottle tops with a metal detector. However as a child I did find a " sainsburys" coin . Sainsburys was founded in 1869 and is now one of the Uk's largest retailers. Anyway the coin I found, was over a 100 years old and thinking myself rich, i asked my parents help me write a letter to sainsburys head office asking it's worth. I was informed by sainsburys that these coins were once used as promotional incentives but had no current value.
However as a young boy I was not deterred and insisted my dad purchase his petrol from Esso Petrol so I could collect my " Esso" coins of each member of the English World Cup squad in 1978.
Anyway thanks to this thread I have spent 3 hours hunting for that collection, and then having found it I looked up its value on Ebay. £ 20.00 + 2.80 p & p. :-(
Reading The Bible Again After Leaving
by pale.emperor inat the moment i dont beleive in anything.
im pretty much an open book, but my critical mind is very alert to bullshit.
but anyway i decided to re-read the bible with a non jw filter.. i researched online first which is supposed to be the best translation out there.
The Rebel
Get your free " evidence based life" booklet, it has millions of controversial options..It's all in the free give away booklet " The Evidence Based Life" And it's all based on sellout facts. Of course it's " updated regularly" and in three years things can change.
So get " The Evidence Based Life" not on your grandparents horse and cart,but on your mobile phone, and learn why your grandparents dated ovbious evidence was outdated.
how can navigate if our desire is for absolute truth...
by Ruby456 inor do we give in to social constructivism?
to relativity?
or is there a way to be real and then to say whats real that everyone agrees to?.
The Rebel
Jesus said " I am the way the truth and the light". And the problem I have with the statement is the " I" Maybe absolute truth can only be found outside of a persons ego, and the " I". Possibly as long as we think as individuals we can find absolute truth we are living an illusion.
Anyway I think I need Slim to help me with what I am trying to say :-)
However in my opinion anyone saying " I have absolute truth" is making a statement like " we are in the truth". It's a bold statement and the "I" in my opinion is quite an egotistic thought.
She was a real character...
by The Rebel ini was up this morning before the sun had risen, and for my daily exercise i read this board.
sadly i was introduced to mouthy and her passing, yet i felt she was with me in presence.
you see mouthy i read some of your past posts, and they simply encouraged me to love in a different way, perhaps even in a different and spiritual way to which i could ever understand.
The Rebel
I was up this morning before the sun had risen, and for my daily exercise I read this board. Sadly I was introduced to Mouthy and her passing, yet I felt she was with me in presence. You see Mouthy I read some of your past posts, and they simply encouraged me to love in a different way, perhaps even in a different and spiritual way to which I could ever understand.
Anyway this evening I will play squash and in doing so I will discover I am completely out of condition. But I will return to this board and realise my heart should never be out of condition. Therefore although I am incapable of loving in your better and more spiritual way, I am still a better person because of your posts, and therefore I hope better equipped to contribute on the board that you loved.
Because I read your posts and saw your wonderful and generosity of heart.
I strongly believe Mouthy lived the highest form of life, her feelings and ideas were always about others and not herself, and although now an athiest I believe she would like me post these lyrics of my favourite Christian song .( The words now have an extra special meaning to me)
Tis the gift to be simple,
Tis the gift to be free,
Tis the gift to come down,
Where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
Twill be in the valley of love and delight,
When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed,
To turn, turn will be our delight,
Till be turning, turning we come round right.
Mouthy the poster who respected us for who we were and not what we believed. And respecting your mystical and spiritual viewpoint Mouthy, I send this post believing it will be read by you.
I think this is an important question...
by The Rebel inwhen i first met my wife and on that so important first date i was 21 years old and sadly broke, she was an 18 year old au pair.
any way i treated her to mcdonald's but she had to pay for the meal.
now over 20 years later and still together, i realize how lucky i was she didn't say on that first date " if you can't afford to pay "our" mcdonald's meal" .
The Rebel
Nathan Nates " iam curious how it is you " treated her" if she paid?
Well if you need a deodorant on a first date, and show her you have bought her Sanitex Rubber Stockings, then I am sure the date you are on, will realizes you are nothing more than a discusting evil minded creep, and gladly pay for the meal and make a quick get a way.
Still curious Nathan? Then don't take my word for it, try it:-) ( even your small sport car won't help)
The Greatest stories ever heard...
by The Rebel inthis opening o.p is better written by pete townsend than i.. " i'm free".
i'm free- i'm free,.
and freedom tastes of reality,.
The Rebel
bittersweet.. thank you for that post, I did think of Townsend and his child porn when I started the O.P. You are correct, I stopped listening to his music, not when I heard the charges, but when I heard his justifications. The fact he was my hero as a kid, and a wonderfully talented man does not justify quoting his lyrics. But then again he wasn't charged and others may feel differently.
Hope this O.P gets back on topic, with positive stories on why we left the W,T.:-)
The Greatest stories ever heard...
by The Rebel inthis opening o.p is better written by pete townsend than i.. " i'm free".
i'm free- i'm free,.
and freedom tastes of reality,.
The Rebel
This opening O.P is better written by Pete Townsend than I.
" I'm Free"
I'M FREE- I'm free,
And freedom tastes of reality,
Im free- I'm free
AN' Im waiting for you to follow me.
If I told you what it takes
to reach the highest high,
You'd laugh and say "nothing's that simple"
Yet no one had the guts to leave the temple!
Im free- I'm free
And I'm waiting for you to follow me.
Wow those lyrics are bang on the money, and for all of us now " Free" we have on this O.P the opportunity to tell some of the greatest stories never heard.
Let me start with my story. My defining moment was " I woke up" and I made my mind up to leave. My wife was very good about it, and though some weren't happy about it, my little boy was. And here i am. Not much of a story is it? But I think only by keeping the story simple was I able to leave. I hope that makes sence? Because of course my journey out often went at a hundred miles an hour, but those challenges never over came my objective to leave.This is why I tried keep the challenges of leaving, as flirting boundaries and my boundary was respect. If you respect me, you respect my decision, if you don't respect me and my decision to leave then " take care" but I am leaving.
That's my story, how about yours?